Expert estimate

Here we are going to list estimats given by specialists on the return to normal life

"A normal winter next year"?

To have a return to normal in the winter of 2021, Professor Ugur Sahin considers "absolutely essential" to have a high vaccination rate before the fall of 2021.

He says: "Our goal is to deliver over 300 million doses of vaccine through April next year, which would allow us to start making an impact" against the virus

The biggest impact will take place until the summer. Summer will help us anyway because the infection rate will drop"

According to Pfizer and BioNTech, their vaccine is "90% effective" against Covid-19, according to the large-scale phase 3 trial still underway, the last step before an application for approval. Several other vaccines are also at this stage of research, suggesting the horizon of a return to normal.

First Frenchwoman to be vaccinated against covid 19

number of people vaccinated with covid 19 worldwide

Marinetti Mathieu

Grimaldi Jean André